Thursday, February 23, 2012

Sally Hanson Update

Mia has tried out the Sally Hanson Salon Effects again and they still haven't worked.
     We went out and bought another box of Salon Effects and tried them out. Mia's box of nail polish strips stuck to her finger, but they don't file down easily. When you try to file them down, they chip quickly. This is a big problem because when they chip, they chip too far up and you have a patch of real nail showing.
     Aila still hasn't tried out the Salon Effects, and we'll give another update when she has. Have you tried the new Sally Hanson Salon Effects Nail Polish Strips? If you have, email us what you thought at Until next time, see ya!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Sally Hanson Salon Effects

It's wildly popular. It has multiple ads in the Teen Vogue magazine. And it "makes it easy to get Salon Effects anytime". It also has "40 Must-have styles". But is it all that great?
     We purchased a box of these nail polish strips about a week ago, and they did not work. In order to put these on, you peel off the strips and stick them to your nails. Then you file them down, and it's just that easy. When we peeled the strips off the plastic, they weren't sticky at all. This was a major let-down, but we figured maybe it was just a one-time thing, and that the next package would stick.
     Our friend uses Sally Hansen Salon Effects, and they work well for her. They look perfect, and they also stick to her nails. But we also had one more problem.
     We figured these strips would file down easily, but the nail polish strips break off when you try to file them.
     In conclusion, we were very disappointed, but our friend was pleased with them. Maybe we did something wrong, but we will try again soon, and we'll post the results as soon as we try.

Sunday, February 5, 2012


We're getting some more makeup soon, but for now, here's Mia's makeup collection! Thanks for watching our videos, more to come soon! ~


Here's a quick video on our favorite kind of pants-if you have anything you want us to make a video on, email us at We're in the process of editing another video right now.

Saturday, February 4, 2012


Hey Everyone! Just wanted to let you know that we are posting 2 new videos tomorrow! Also, pleased don't be fooled by the URL,, because we do not think we are popular, the URL fashion101 and others we tried were unavailable, popularchic was the only one available! thanks!~

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Coming Soon

We've been really busy lately, so we apologize for the lack of posts. There's a new video coming soon about how we do our makeup. Also, we have a new email, so if you have any suggestions for new posts, feel free to email us at Thanks!~

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


It seems that everyone is walking around school wearing the same pair of boots-Uggs! These boots are very cute, and also very popular. These new shoes are the latest trend! If you want to be cute and stylish this winter/spring, you should get a pair of Uggs. If you can't afford the authentic kind, you can always settle for something a bit cheaper, like the Bearpaw brand, or just a brand that looks like Uggs.
     There are many styles of Uggs. If you want to have the popular styles, you can go with the Classic styles, or the Bailey Button styles, which are very popular this season. But if you want to be a bit different but still look fabulous you can go a little bit out there, with the Retro Cargo style, or even the Classic Cardy style knit boots.
     Here's a trick to saving money when buying authentic Uggs:
          *Buy kid's sizes, if you can fit into them. They're a whole lot cheaper!
          *Buy from a store that's having good sales.
     But be careful when not buying off the Ugg website! There are frauds out there. Here's some tips to telling whether your Uggs are fake or not:
          *Check the bottom of your shoe. If there is no "R" with a circle around it, it could be fake.
          *Check the tag. Real Uggs should say "made in China" NOT "made in New Zealand"
          *Check the box. Ugg has come out  with a new way of proving your boots are the real thing. There should be a sticker on the box. If, when you turn it back in forth, the suns change from black to white, your boots are authentic.
     Also, if you have just recently purchased a pair of Uggs, and cannot decide how to wear them, you can roll them down to show off the fuzzy insides of your new boots, or you can keep them rolled up on a cold day to stay warm. The best way to wear Uggs is to tuck skinny jeans into them. If you are having trouble with all the creases on your legs after tucking them in, try a different brand jean. You can also wear Pink by Victoria's Secret brand legging yoga pants to look super cute. And if you're wondering what to wear for a top whith Uggs, you can wear just about anything you want! You can wear sweatshirts, fitted T-shirts, or your favorite button-up plaid from Hollister. If you have Uggs, whatever you wear will look good, and you can walk the streets in style and also stay warm. ~